once used by the cutest princess in the universeさん(@rika_nakai823)のカレンダー・ブログ形式Twitter | meyou [ミーユー]

  • once used by the cutest princess in the universe @rika_nakai823
  • Twitter ID changed to “rika_n24x”. Keep this ID for a while to protect it from mischief. The holder of this ID is not related to Opime.

  • Twitter歴: 1090日 (2021/05/01より)    一日の平均ツイート数 4.7つぶやき
  • 2 ツイート
  • 0 フォロー
  • 18 フォロワー
once used by the cutest princess in the universeのカレンダー形式ツイート履歴
  • 06/03(木)
  • 2 tweets
  • 22時
  • 2 tweets
  1. rika_nakai823


    The username can be used by others from the moment it is changed. I found that "rika_nakai823" was available because I was adding it to my favorites by username, not by following. Therefore, I ensured that it would not be misused by impersonation. Ex) rika_nakai + 822, 893, etc.

  2. rika_nakai823


    Rika Nakai's username has been changed from "rika_nakai823" to "rika_n24x". Please check on the NGT48 official website. ngt48.jp/profile/detail… Keep this username ( rika_nakai823 ) for a while to protect it from mischief. The holder of this username is not related to "Opime".
